To my wonderful, spirited and beautiful daughters, Hannah and Sinéad.

To my wonderful, spirited and beautiful daughters, Hannah and Sinéad.

I wanted to share with you some of the experiences from my own career and the conclusions I’ve drawn from them in the hope they may be helpful to you as you navigate this crazy and wonderful journey we call life.

As you start out, try not to fixate on your job today, or the “career path” people tell you you should have. That path can and will change a dozen times in the years ahead. Life is messy. It doesn’t follow the plan so many people try to design for themselves. And the more you define yourself by that plan, the more likely you will not only be disappointed, but also miss some of the most amazing opportunities in life even when they are right there in front of you.

Focus instead on you. On who you are, on what matters to you deep down, where you stand: That will guide you down the most interesting, fulfilling and rewarding path.

That focus starts by taking care of your whole self. It’s more than making sure you are blending your work and family as we often talk about, but that you are also nurturing and taking care of your own personal needs. You can only give your best to others – work, family, friends, causes – when you are healthy, happy and centered yourself. Don’t be tempted to keep putting off that self-time to take care of other things. Make it a priority, and you’ll be able to do everything else.

As part of that introspection, it’s never too soon to determine what your personal purpose and values are in the world. What kind of person do you want to be? What do you hope people will say and remember about you long after you’re gone? What example do you want to set for your own children? If you can answer those questions with conviction, you will be able to deal with the most challenging decisions you’ll ever face. It won’t make those decisions easy, or painless – but it will guide you to make the right choice amidst the confusion and stress.

We live in a big world that’s also getting smaller by the day, so keep a global perspective. So much of my life’s path has been shaped by being raised in one country and raising you guys in another, and by leading a company whose people come from every kind of culture and background. There is a wide world of diverse experiences and ideas to embrace as you develop your sense of personal purpose and values; always be open to what those ideas can teach you and how that can help bring the world together.

As you go through your day, always – always – help others and pay it forward. I can’t describe how many times even the seemingly smallest gesture will come back to you in ways you least expect, and at the times you need it most.

Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and don’t be discouraged when you do. Have the courage to be bold, to make decisions and take actions you believe are right and that align with your values. Most of the time, you’ll be right, but accept that sometimes, you’ll be wrong. When things don’t work out, don’t despair: learn from that. Keep on learning and teaching every day of your life.

I love you both so much and feel incredibly proud of the young women you have become. My greatest hope is that you will find the happiness that you each deserve, regardless of the path you choose.

With love,