Friends and Family Come First

Friends and Family Come First

Dear Lucy,

Friends and family always come first. They may not get the most time, but they’re the engine that supports you, keeps you connected and gives you the strength to take on the world. I hope you can find a great life partner and have a family. It gives a whole different meaning to life. It may seem like my career is the center of my universe, but I think of it as a series of concentric circles.

Finding a great career and meaningful work is rarely a straight line or clear path. Keep an open mind, try things and if you don’t like them, the process of elimination is extremely helpful. But find what you love and where you thrive because then work feels like a gift and not a chore. Write your goals down whenever they strike you and come back to them. They may change but its a great way to check yourself.

And you will find that who you work with is as important as what you do. Being with people who are respectful, helpful and fun makes all the difference.

And finally, you can do it all; Kids, marriage, friends and an amazing career. Its about dedication- if you feel it, you apply it to everyone, they will all feel it. They will know you are present and you care deeply and that will give them the love, support and motivation they need.

You will go through times where you know some part is getting the short end of the stick, and it will take a lot of planning and managing stress to make it work, but it is possible. Especially with the right life partner or support structure.

Can’t wait to see what you do with those smarts, humor, poise and sense of justice.

Love you, Mom