Always, Without Exception, Be True to Yourself

Always, Without Exception, Be True to Yourself

Dear Cami:

You´re one year shy of your 10th birthday and in our years together, I´ve heard you say you want to be a Singer, a Dancer, a Gymnast, a Veterinarian, a professional Equestrian, a Violinist, a Songwriter and, most recently, a Painter. I know your Mom´s profession (a Dentist) seems “yucky” and mine (a Partner at Egon Zehnder) sounds boring. I´m quite sure that about a dozen or more professions will seem interesting to you, as you continue growing and discovering your strengths and passions.

At this point, I truly feel that whichever direction you take, you´ll be fine. I have few worries about your future career, because I know that your endless energy, your outstanding optimism, your ability to connect with others, and your caring heart, will serve you well in anything you do. But I do want to give you a heads´ up: it won´t always be easy or smooth. Unfortunately, still today, girls tend to have a tougher ride ahead than boys, so your older brothers Lorenzo and Gabriel, whom you wrestle with every day (literally and metaphorically), will most likely have an easier path forward than you.

With that in mind, I have only a few pointers for the life journey you´ll embark on: put your full heart into everything you do, work hard (harder than anyone else), be disciplined. Believe in yourself. Be fearless; try new things and be adventurous. Be brave and be bold. Be fair and honest. Be kind. And always, without exception, be true to yourself.

And remember, that no matter how far you go or how high you fly, you´ll always be my baby girl. I love you.
