Dance Like No One's Watching

Dance Like No One's Watching

My Darling Arsala,

You are turning 21 on the 01st of January 2017, and I remember as clear as day, the wonderful day I held you in my arms after a night of New Years’ Eve dancing! From the moment I found out I was pregnant I just knew deep in my heart and my soul that I would have a daughter, so the absolute joy when you were born filled my heart with love. Through the years I tried to be the best mum I could be, and I am sure much was lacking but I always tried to make sure you felt above all loved and secure. I think you know this today that no matter how bad it is, you can always share it with me and I will always help you and support you and help you come up with a solution without trying to force my opinions on you.

I love so much about you, I see so much of me in you. Your sense of adventure, your inner strength of character, your solid resolute which emerges when you need it most, your quiet calm that makes you such a great friend and daughter, your maturity and all the support and advice you have given me as I went through tough times, and finally resilience and adaptability. All these qualities inspire me so much. Always remember in life there will be two paths – an easy one and a hard one.

The hard path, is the path of truth which will be strewn with sharp stones and thorns that will hurt and prick you along the way but will eventually make you stronger, and that will be the right path, the easy one may get you to your goal faster but may not always build your character along the way, and may compel you to make choices and sacrifices that may cause regret. Always remember and feed your conscience, that little voice in your head that tells you what you are doing is the right thing. The day your conscience dies so does your character. You are beautiful, however true beauty comes from within. Your face, your hair, your figure can all get destroyed but no one can take away your soul and your personality. Always build and spend more time on those than you do on hair and makeup. When I am long dead and gone and you someday choose to have children of your own you will understand this even more. Having said that look after your health, your skin and your hair as these will see you through the winter of your life. Just don’t get obsessed with them!

Finally, as you move into starting a career always remember to work hard and live by your values. Never stay with a company that forces you to compromise on yours. I love you unconditionally and God bless you always

Xxxxxx Mama