Wishing you Happiness, my Little Princess

Wishing you Happiness, my Little Princess

Dearest Zhu – my darling princess,

This is a unique chance to write to you. I am grateful to God, EgonZehnder and most importantly, you, for giving me this opportunity. There has been quite some time in my life that we have spent waiting for you to arrive. And you did arrive as a bundle at a home in Jallandar. You jumped over to my lap with a big smile, and ever since then, for the past 4.5 years, you have clung to that lap. I am grateful to you for this total love and affection.

As I write to you, I realize that I have missed out on a very important thing that I ought to tell you. During the limited window of time that I get with you post my office hours, I keep telling you ‘Do this…,””Do that,” “Don’t do this”…and cramming you with whatever limited knowledge that I have. I have been influencing you, willingly and unwillingly, with my lens of life. In this internet age, knowledge won’t remain a premium commodity by the time you grow up. Also, imposing my lens of life upon you just isn’t fair.

Given this, the biggest legacy that I can leave for you is the recognition of your own strengths. These are ingrained in your being, and all that you need to do is nurture them. I firmly believe that this will give you the key to the most fulfilling and happy life that a mom can bless her daughter with. The strengths that I have discovered in you so far are your ability to ask soul-searching questions, the ability to be happy with simple things in life, very little desire for fancy things, a spirit of sharing and caring, resilience and the spirit of forgiveness. Also, your strong aversion for the killing competitiveness in the system  – as long as you sustain these strengths, you will find your inner peace. I am sure that this inner peace will manifest in success in your ventures. Wishing you all the happiness in the world!

Blessings and best wishes forever,
