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To my amazing daughters Madeline and Olivia:

I was afraid to bring you into a world filled with so much hardship, cruelty and contradiction. And from the minute you were born, I knew you were my miracles and that you would be just fine. Thank you for your singing and your laughing and your resilience when adults don’t show up for you as they should. Thank you for your girly chats and your loving company and your independence when I get home from work. Thank you for getting up each morning with so little fuss and bother, and for making me feel so proud to be a working mother. Thank you for accepting my no’s and I don’t know’s and all my time away from you with so much grace and strength. Thank you for your dancing and for your pranks and jokes, and for allowing me to make so many mistakes. You are magnificent little creatures transitioning into beautiful women. Keep showing up exactly as you are, being strong on the inside and soft on the outside, respecting hard work, being true to other women, honouring good men and knowing you are loved for being the miracles of you.

With all my love Mum xx